Syntax students 
students in the classroom

Welcome to Syntax - Where Learning Meets Innovation

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discover what makes us tick

Why Syntax

students working in a group
Cost-Effective Learning
We deliver top-tier IT certification courses at more than 50% lower cost than our competitors. This approach ensures that high-quality education is within reach for everyone.
Dedicated Mentorship
Our philosophy extends beyond just coursework. We provide continuous mentorship from industry experts until you secure your dream job.
Syntax students during classtime
Rewards for Growth
You engage with our community and benefit from ongoing discounts and referral commissions. We value your growth and engagement by rewarding it tangibly.
Open Leadership Access
We emphasize a transparent and supportive environment by offering direct communication channels with our leadership team, ensuring that all your concerns are addressed promptly.

Our History

Started in Virginia, near big tech centers like Google and AWS, highlighting tech closeness.
Began with live, hands-on IT classes, offering a personal touch unlike online-only competitors.
Grew fast, adding online options from the start, blending digital with personal interaction.
Second and third Branch in New Jersey and Dallas
COVID-19 Pivot
Pandemic sped up the move to all-online classes, helping Syntax keep its mission going.
Locations and Growth
Expanded to global markets, we welcomed students from all corners of the earth
Now a top online IT training provider, Syntax motivates people towards IT careers with its training and talent services.
Sumair Jawaid

The Journey to Syntax Technologies

I'm Sumair, and my tech education adventure kicked off in the buzzing heart of Loudoun County, Virginia - right where giants like Google and AWS power the internet. 

Along with my amazing partner, Asel, we jumped into something we really believed in: learning’s got to feel real, personal, and alive.

We didn’t want just another place to click through slides or watch videos in silence. We dreamed up a space where learning meant laughing together, asking questions, and really talking it through. That dream? It’s what we’ve built. A place where tech feels welcoming, like coming home.

Growing from a local spot to a worldwide platform, our main goal hasn’t changed a bit. We’re all about keeping it personal, even online. It’s more than just reaching more people; it’s about making every lesson feel like we’re right there with you. We’ve seen it with our own eyes - when you mix tech with a real human touch, amazing things happen.

This story isn’t just mine. It’s about all of us. It’s about getting past hurdles together and unlocking all that potential inside us through education. Asel and I are driven by our own stories, sure, but we’re really here because we believe everyone should get a fair shot at a tech career. 

As you look around our site and see what’s on offer, remember you’re not just seeing courses. You’re peeking into our dream - a world where anyone can make it in tech, no matter your starting point.

Thanks for thinking about joining us. Whether you’re here to dip your toes into the tech world or level up your skills, we’re right here with you every step of the way. 
Sumai Jawaid sign

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